
School of Arts Launched 1st Lecture of the Series of Overseas Study and Visit Lectures “Viewing World Through Arts”, Introducing " Ceramic Art in the World and China”

On November 26th, the School of Arts held the lecture “Ceramic Art in the World and China” in the school hall on Huxi Campus, which is the first lecture of a series of overseas study and visit lectures under the theme of “Viewing World Through Arts”. These lectures are aimed at effectively promote the internationalization of the school, expand the international vision of teachers and students, and cultivate a team of teachers and students with international vision competitiveness. Zhang Hongxia, an associate professor of the Department of Design, was invited to give the lecture, which was presided over by Peng Xiaoxi, vice president of the School of Arts. All teachers and students actively participated in the lecture, and the lecture was a complete success.

Professor Zhang shared her experience and related achievements in ceramic art research and practice during her visit to Alfred University in the United States. During the lecture, she first introduced Alfred University and the ceramic college she visited, where the teaching and research is not only second to none in the United States, but also among the best in the world. Then, she shared her ceramic research and practice during her visit, and led the audiences to appreciate the exquisite ceramic works of various periods all over the world. Finally, Professor Zhang talked about the Sino-US ceramic exchange and the exchange and integration of Eastern and Western cultures, and pointed out that ceramics is a bridge between China and the world, and Chinese ceramics has a far-reaching impact all over the world.